Pada yg mengikut blog nie pasti tahu yang my housemate telah pun selamat kembali ke Msia for good. She completed her PhD and now will serve the country pulak. As for me, tinggalkan seorang di rumah nie. Now i have to get ready to accept a new housemate. I've got email from Mary (manager for student village), saying that ada 3 guys (oh ya, lelaki-lelaki...) berminat tuk msk and tgh Q utk msk to become my housemate. Errrkkk!!! Mimpi ngeri utk ku.
Nie lah yang menganggu tidur 2 hari lepas. Oh gosh. Me? living with a guy? Oh...bukan ker itu kira bersekedudukan ker? I pray hard, really2 hard, berilah jalan kepada situasi nie. I dont want end up living with a guy. Bukan muhrim, mat saleh pulak tu, duduk berdua? not an option for me. Actually sbnrnya seorang lagi PhD student from Msia applied for this house. tapi Mary kata dia org ke-4. So, dia kena consider jugak lelaki2 nie yg dah lama menanti. Smlm Mary sent me another email, tanya i free tak utk discuss this matter. I said, i'm looking forward to see her.
And just this morning, i went to see her. Dia mmg faham my situation. Dia tahu i will not tolerate living with a guy. Mmg ada orang tak kisah, but in my case, i kisah. selagi ada pilihan, duduk dgn lelaki will not become my option. I know, dia cuba nak arrange yg tebaik, to be fair and adil with other people, but at the same time dia pun aware of my situation. Last2 dia ckp, kalau dia mskkan my friend kat rumah tu, akan settle mslh nie, BUT, the guys will get pissed off. tapi the way dia ckp as like ada potential for my friend to be in as i not welcoming a guy. dia akan bagi keputusan this friday. i said to my friend, now, keputusan is beyond our control. Just doa, harap yg terbaik utk kami bersama.
Berbanding ngan apartment yg i booking tu, byk kekurangan dgn rumah nie. I selalu kata rumah nie rumah zmn sblm perang. tapi apa yg paling i suka ialah suasananya, di student village, rumah nie di ujung sekali, paling blakang, di jalan mati. rumah nie antara kwsn student village paling senyap (yg dkt blok tu..selalu ada party..budak2 mat saleh nie ada yg party animal). pastu, sbb paling hujung and byk pokok, hanya suara2 burung jer yg paling jelas kedengaran. sebelum subuh, sebelum maghrib..bunyi burung ajer. and..ada possum and arnab akan dtg setiap awal pagi, dpn umah i. sbb paling senyap dan damai jugaklah, dpt menulis my thesis dan fokus.
This coming friday, akan berlaku penentuan samada i akan remain in this house or not. apartment tu mmg cantik, no doubt about it. lengkap and modern, tapi ada sesuatu pd rumah nie yg buat ia special for me. sbb rumah nie damai...
Itulah antara cabaran duduk di overseas nie. Is whether u kisah or tak kisah ajer. You nak mixed up, who cares anyway? Disitu letaknya jugak kekuatan hati, tuk pertahan nilai yg u percayai. semua atas bahu you. sentiasa ada 2 jalan, keburukan, kebaikan..pilihan ditangan kita.
Berdoa yg terbaik..
cantik la arnab tu. U rakam curi gambar arnab ke? hehehehe.
everyday is a new day. ur prob will be settled soon.
hi alice, thank u for your wish. pray for me ehehehe. yup, every morning, without fail, this arnab will jalan2 cari mkn in front of my i took the picture lah..dia suka mengorek tanah umah i..
Arnab ke tu? Mak datuk! Besarnya! All the best Selene, harap-harao you tak akan 'bersekedudukan' dgn lelaki ooops... I mean you akan dapat kawan u sebagai housemate!!!!
hehehe..tq buddy. arnab lah tu. wild rabbit. never get urself close to them, they run very time, the stopped coming in because there was a cat (handsome one) suka visiting my house and gedik2 kat umah i and my katil as well. so dia suka kacau2 arnab nie, kira kaki buli. now his owner took him back to alice spring. miss that gedik cat.
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