Monday, November 17, 2008

Friends are forever

This late afternoon, i' ve got 1 comment coming in on my latest post. Eagerly wanna see who was the person. Aiya, Alice. Haha, amoi. Bising dia I tak ckp I ada blog :-) As I said, selama nie blog tu just for my own personal use, never told anyone about the blog. Totally for myself. Not for others. Salah satu cara nak release my tension and ease a bit.

Anyway, to my surprised, blog nie 'temukan' I semula dgn Doraline. My long-long lost friend. My buddy ms kat UM dulu. Alice bagi tau, dia dah informed about my blog kat Doraline@twin dia. And bila tgk website dia, dia dah pun add my blog dlm link dia as "my favourite blog". Mcm tu jugak Alice. Ohhh, to be honest, i was so touching with that. Cepat2 ku 'link' kan diaorg. Blh share story. Doraline yg paling lama tak jumpa, since grad 2001, almost 7 years now, tapi msh ingat lagi, tu yg terharu tuu.

TAPI, pandai Alice, dia punyer introduction bagi kat twin dia tu quite catchy...

"hey twin, our pretty Salina got married at Melbourne!...hehe
no, actually she got a blog...

faster add her.....
nice trip....ah...."

kahwin in Melbourne? haha, yelah tu. pandainyer...

Guys, hopefully after this, we can catch each other news. I'm happy to see that we can still maintain this relationship, walaupun ada on and offnyer. But we make it through all these years. I'm sorry if, my busy-ness sbbkan I lupa some of other friends. So, hopefully, blog nie as one of my usaha utk rapatkan kwn2 yg dah lama tak dgr cerita. Blh share my journey nie yg penuh 'onak duri' nie. Hehe.

And congrats to Alice, you've got job at last!! I'm so happy to hear that. I always know u can amoi!!

Teringat ms kat UM dulu, hehehe, I la paling liat sekali pergi kelas pagi. Selalunya, si Alice or Doraline lah yg akan call 'Amoi, you msk kelas tak?" Nielah antara muka suka ponteng kelas pagi. Kalu datang mesti ada yg pelik..'Eh, apasal kau ader?" Nakal jugak ms aku nie. And suka mengusik Doraline, dia suka duk depan sekali. Depan tu port Alice, aku dan Doraline, selalunya..

And saper yg kejar anak kucing time kuliah? Haha, aku la orgnyer..sampai tak msk kelas..dgn CT. Hahaha..kelakar...

Miss all my friends..I do.


Doralin Lee said...

Hey! Chek! Adakah patut hang masukkan post aku kat sini... ada copyright tau... hehehehe! but I appreciate it buddy.

Oh! You masih ada contact CT ke? Yala rindu la kat CT, U dan Alice... bila u balik M'sia nanti kita cuba la buat gathering ya. Keep smiling, keep blogging

Unknown said...

seronoknya bila ingat citer2 lama kan? rasa mcm nk masuk balik dlm perut mak!!
btw.....lavender lama lg ke kat luar neg.?

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