I may not be able to write this blog for a few weeks or as usual as i have to go back to Malaysia to support my family in need. My brother in law is in critical condition and after some consideration, decided to go home and give my support - whatever the result maybe. But, deep in my heart, i pray for the best..and the best is always in God's hand.
Terbangun awal, after receiving not so good news about his current condition. my family prepared for the best..and so do i (didnt i?). Actually, to be honest, i'm not prepared. My familly has just lost my beloved father a few years back. And i know, we still misses him so much especially my mum. Kesedihan kehilangan tu msh blum sepenuhnya hilang (or mungkin sbnrnya takkan hilang) and now another ujian dtg.
Dalam keadaan spt ini, hari dimana masa selalunya terasa terlalu cepat berlalu jadi mcm 'terlalu panjang dan lama' untuk ditempuhi. Especially for me yang kena travel jauh to be there in Msia.
Sakit/kematian > its never been easy for all of us, i belief.
Dlm keadaan spt ini, i learned that:
singkatnya hidup kita sebenarnya, insan dlm hidup kita yg tuhan pinjamkan..
If you love someone, hargai setiap detik bersama, luahkan rasa sayang, whatever you have, for you may not be able to do that anymore. Hari n ie mungkin ada, esok barangkali...